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鳴門教育大学 JICA長期研修員
Olowa Murray
I am Murray Olowa from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea. This article explains my origins and the challenges that I have faced in my early education journey.
The island that I come from is called Bougainville, which is known as Autonomous Region of Bougainville today. This island has a population of about 300,000 people. I come from the remotest part called Bana District. I am the last born out of seven in the family.
My Challenging Education Journey
In late 1988, the landowners of Panguna mine, which was then the biggest open cut mine operated by Australian Company Rio Tinto, had issues over the unequal distribution of proceeds from mine and the environmental damages caused and its effects on the marine and land inhabitants. At the back of Bougainvillean’s mind was the desire to push for independence. In 1989, when I was 7 years old, the PNG Government imposed a blockade on all goods and services to its Bougainville population. We lived in the bush for three years (1990 to 1992) without any basic services. The only thing that was available to us was garden food and shelter.
By the end of 1992, we had to move to another district for fear of torture, harassment, and killings. I was already 10 years old. My brothers Isaiah and Elijah were 17 and 13 years old respectively. Isaiah was doing grade 4 when the crisis started and couldn’t continue his education. However, I and Elijah were kids at that time and had never been to school yet when the war broke out. We also had two sisters, Betty and Esther. Betty was doing grade 10 when the crisis started, while Esther was doing grade 5. Betty later became an elementary teacher.
Siwai area is our nearby district. This district was accessible to basic services such as education and health since it was under the control of PNG government. Two years without basic services was a total disaster. We could see the new life when services were provided to us. We could access education and health. We could eat food with salt. We could bathe with soap. We could access all basic services. We enrolled in grade 1 at Maisua Community School. Isaiah resumed his education by enrolling in grade 4 at Konga Primary School. Myself and my older brother -Elijah just started our grade 1 formal education. However, one thing that was always in our minds was our future. How am I going to wake up tomorrow? Is my safety guaranteed? We were always in fear of being attacked by the enemies. Attending classes under the war was very challenging. Sometimes we could never go to school.
We stayed in Siwai for two years where I did grade 1 and grade 2. In early 1996, we returned to our home in Bana District. Life was so hard as the fighting was continuing at that time.
While I was doing my grade 6, my brother Isaiah was doing grade 8 and he was shot by the rebels in 1997. He could not continue his education but spent the whole of his life in Nonga General Hospital in East New Britain Province. He was almost paralysed. After a year, he returned home, and he wished to continue his education. So, he did his grade 8 and was selected to go to Tonu High to do grade 9 and 10. He completed his grade 10 and was selected to do grade 11 and 12 in Hutjena Secondary School.
On the other hand, in 1996, I enrolled in grade 4 at Siangdaro Community School and then did Grade 4, 5 and 6. After completing grade 6, we sat for the national examination, and we were selected to open the new high school- Bana High School. I did grade 7, 8, 9 and 10. In 1998, a peace treaty was signed and that ended the Bougainville Civil War.
But it was very unfortunate for my brother Isaiah who sustained a gunshot in his hips and remained paralysed in the hospital for almost a year. So, he didn’t complete his studies, and passed on in 2016 due to the complications sustained from the bullets. Also, crisis-related issues psychologically affected his mind and was washed away by the running flooded river.
There is no one in my family who has gone on to higher education except me. All my young brothers didn’t continue their education. Life was very challenging both financially and physically because my aged mother and father couldn’t support me financially. While I was in high School, it was my sister, an elementary teacher who was supporting me financially.
When I was in secondary and university, it was my older brother Jacob who was supporting me financially. Jacob is a carpenter. Whatever he used to get from the carpentry job, he used to support me.
In conclusion, after going through many struggles, I have graduated with a bachelor’s in education in 2008 from the University of Goroka and then in 2014, I have attained a Diploma in Mathematics from the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. My educational journey was tough and challenging, full of tears and struggles. I am a proud recipient of JICA Scholarship, and it will be milestone achievement after completing my studies. I will contribute well to the Human Resource Development of my country.
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